Liebster Award


I received the awesome surprised to be nominated by Juliana (who happens to have a really nice blog, General Gibberish). It took me longer than I thought to answer so, I apologise about that. This is, honestly, a true surprise since I’ve never expected my blog to be nominated for anything, really. However, I am really happy to know that people like this personal space where I express my thoughts into images.

So, I have to give 11 facts about me, nominate 11 bloggers, ask them 11 questions and answer the 11 questions I was sent.

11 facts about me:

1) My favourite drink ever is Gin and Tonic.

2) I speak three languages fluently.

3) I have great cooking skills.

4) My baking skills are terrible.

5) I have read the book “The Little Prince” in 4 languages and in 4 different stages in my life.

6) I have never broken a single bone in my body.

7) I hate and truly despise coconut.

8) I speak Norwegian.

9) Every time I walk pass a dog (can be large, small, any kind) I yelp like a little girl.

10) I have never ever plucked my eyebrows. They are bushy but beautiful eyebrows, I must admit.

11) When I am sleepy and someone tells me a bad joke, I laugh until I can’t breathe… It is hilarious and scary at the same time.

So here are the 11 questions by Jules and my answers:

1) What is one of the best books that you have ever read? – The Little Prince, which is also my favourite book. It never goes out of fashion. Ever.

2) If you could go back in time and have a meaningful conversation with someone, who would it be? – I will go back to the late 70s and have a conversation with my mom, when she was my age, 29 years-old.

3) If you were a car, what kind of car would you be? – I will be a Fiat 500 C. It is small, elegant and fun, like me.

4) Do you believe in soul mates? – I don’t know. I guess there is no only one soul mate in our lives. I believe that throughout our lives we go through different phases, and thus we are accompanied by people that will be part, and give meaning, to those phases in our lives.

5) What is one of your most favourite places in the world? – That’s such a hard question :D… I have some: my bed, my kitchen, any sandy beach where I could be kissed by the sun the whole day.

6) Is music important to you and if so, why? – Yes it is. I think because I can feel like a super star every time I take a shower, or feel like in a movie scene while on the train or riding my bike home. Music is a great companion when you’re alone or with friends, and it brings back nice memories of people that is no longer with you.

7) If you could only take one pair of shoes with you on a holiday, which pair would it be? – A pair of oxford summer shoes made out of straw. Super comfy.

8) Your favourite ingredient in food would be…? – Olive oil. Definitive answer. It is something that is NEVER missing in my kitchen.

9) What do you think attracts you to an individual? – A great conversation and the curiosity to explore.

10) What is the first word that comes to your mind when you read, “beautiful?” – Kiss.

11) What makes you happy? – Discovering new places; getting nicely surprised by very simple things; recon that my cooking and baking experiments taste even better than the originals.

Here are my 11 nominees:

Sainz Martinez Photography

Tyson’s Travels

Ed Mooney Photography

The Changing Palette 

Scot’s Artwerkz

His travel and work reporter

2 me 4 art

Into de wild

Crazy guy in Thailand


Travels and trifels

And these are your 11 questions you have to answer:

  1. If you were an ice cream flavour, which one would you be and why?
  2. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
  3. If I could be anybody besides myself, I would be…
  4. If they made a movie of your life, what would it be about and which actor would you
    want to play you?
  5. If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?
  6. Imagine you get to have lunch with Martin Scorsese and you are the one in charge of the food. What would you cook?
  7. If you where to create a brand new cocktail, what are the ingredients and how would you call it?
  8. What’s the thing you hate the most about supermarkets?
  9. What’s your favourite movie soundtrack?
  10. What’s your favourite movie scene?
  11. What is the weirdest thing you have heard about yourself?

Well, that’s it! I am really looking forward to the answers and to see more of your photos and awesome content!




  1. 1. If you were an ice cream flavour, which one would you be and why? – I’d be a chilli pepper ice cream. Very different from what you’d expect.

    2. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten? – A creepy Cambodian caterpillar. Ewwww.

    3. If I could be anybody besides myself, I would be… – Vladimir Putin. Shit just got real.

    4. If they made a movie of your life, what would it be about and which actor would you want to play you? – Kim Basinger, in an Academy Award-winning cross-dressing performance as a disgruntled civil servant trapped in bureaucratic hell.

    5. If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get? – Red tuna, before it goes extinct.

    6. Imagine you get to have lunch with Martin Scorsese and you are the one in charge of the food. What would you cook? – Spaghetti bolognese, in a big old-fashioned tin pot, while humming some Verdi.

    7. If you were to create a brand new cocktail, what are the ingredients and how would you call it? – Vesper’s already taken, so it’d have to be called Domino: 4 parts Martini Fiero, 3 parts ginger ale, 1 part lime juice.

    8. What’s the thing you hate the most about supermarkets? – Trying to decide which checkout queue I should line up in.

    9. What’s your favourite movie soundtrack? – Natural Born Killers, I suppose. We’re talking Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Peter Gabriel and Trent Reznor here. Though the one from Strange Days is also brilliant.

    10. What’s your favourite movie scene? – Robert Duvall’s napalm tirade in Apocalypse Now.

    11. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever heard about yourself? – Someone once told me I had a really sexy way of peeling an orange.

    And now for 11 fun facts…

    1. I once met Vinton Cerf (father of the Internet) and asked him for advice. He gave it. I didn’t follow it.

    2. I’m terrified of calling strangers on the phone. What if they don’t want to do what I want them to do?

    3. For years, my wardrobe consisted entirely of blue jeans and black shirts. I still think it was a great idea.

    4. As a kid, I memorised “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” backwards. I can still say it instantly.

    5. I once played a video game for 26 hours straight. It wasn’t even that good.

    6. I once ate tortellini with pesto every day for an entire semester. I somehow lost weight.

    7. I have very little respect for the blog scene. Sorry.

    8. I couldn’t sing to save my own life, but that doesn’t stop me from trying. Loud, and often.

    9. If I had a hydrogen bomb, I’d drop it on London – in a heartbeat.

    10. I don’t understand the first thing about art. I really don’t.

    11. A skeleton walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a beer… and a mop.

  2. Thanks so much for your thoughtful answers. Loved reading them and getting to know more about you. I also really liked your questions to your nominees! Definitely a kindred spirit!

  3. thanks for the nomination..
    here are my answers to your 11 questions and the 11 facts:

    11 questions I was asked?

    If you were an ice cream flavour, which one would you be and why?
    anything with bananas and nuts…You are what you eat

    What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten? Salted Crickets as a bar snack

    If I could be anybody besides myself, I would be… Anthony Bourdain, get to eat, drink, travel, write and get paid for it

    If they made a movie of your life, what would it be about and which actor would you want to play you?
    Steve Buscemi, mainly for his off-beat quirkyness, but we look nothing alike. It would be about the daily life and times of an artist who wants to be successful at his art but wants none of the attention.

    If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?
    Pizza, man or woman could live on it forever

    Imagine you get to have lunch with Martin Scorsese and you are the one in charge of the food.
    What would you cook? What ever is farthest from Italian… can you say borsht?

    If you where to create a brand new cocktail, what are the ingredients and how would you call it?
    Ginky…(pronounced Jean-key). Gin, kiwi, soda, lime, ice.

    What’s the thing you hate the most about supermarkets?
    They are so huge but they never have what you need

    What’s your favourite movie soundtrack? 2001: A Space Odessey. Music, Visuals and a story like no one had seen up to that point or since. Still pondering the ending.

    What’s your favourite movie scene?
    When Diane Keaton accuses Woody Allen of being jejune in Love & Death

    What is the weirdest thing you have heard about yourself?
    That people tell me they have a friend who could be my twin brother, it happens quite often

    11 facts about me

    I have always wanted to an artist… and I am.

    Love to cook, had a choice between art school and cooking school, chose art.

    I have rather large hands for someone my size. they are often a topic of conversation

    I have lived on three continents, North America, Europe & Asia… only 4 to go.

    My birthday is on the best holiday of the year… April Fool’s Day.

    Love to read all types of books, from classics to modern to foreign to sci-fi, mystery and suspense to poetry to the beat generation and back to what ever else catches my imagination.

    The City… The Country… and everything in-between… it just depends on where i am and what i am doing, love it all.
    I Love to listen to Music, I listen to it all the time, I am listening to it now in fact.

    Avid traveller

    Beer/Coffee/Pizza snob… will not drink crap beer, bad coffee or faux pizza

    not all that great at choosing facts about myself

      1. Glad I could add a bit joyful laughter to your day:)
        thanks again for the nomination

        it is very kind of you to say the things you do about my work, its greatly appreciated.

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